Carlos Denner

membre collaborateur

Département d'informatique
Carlos DennerIsabela Neves Ferraz
"Organization of Free and Open Source Software Projects: In-between the Community and Traditional Governance"Brazilian Business Review181-1932021
Carlos DennerJosivania Silva Farias, Patricia Gomes Rêgo de Almeida
"Artificial Intelligence Regulation: a framework for governance"Ethics Inf Technol 42021
Carlos DennerLuiz F. Pinto, Silvia Onoyama
"Individual Factors that Influence Effort and Contributions on Wikipedia"CoRR1-34072020
Carlos DennerDaniel Esashika
"The influence of sponsors on organizational structure of free software communities"CoRR1-8072020
Carlos DennerIsadora Castro, Silvia Onoyama, Marina Moreira
"Bucking the Trend: An Agentive Perspective of Managerial Influence on Blog'S Attractiveness"53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences1-102020